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Server Configuration

To get the most out of Sangou, you’ll have to configure him for your server. The stock configuration (which you will see when downloading the configuration file for the first time) includes comments to assist you.

Configuration commands

  • configs
    Gives you the entire configuration file for the server.

Example of Configs

  • configs set [attachment of configuration file]
    Sets the configuration for the server.

  • configs reset
    Resets the server’s configuration.

  • configs stock
    Shows the stock configuration.

Configuration variables

This is a list of every configuration variable available for Sangou.


modlog optional int

Moderation actions are forwarded to this channel ID. Moderation actions include:

  • bans
  • unbans
  • kicks
  • warnings
  • tosses
  • purges
  • super reaction autoremoves
  • lockdowns

and more.

      <div class="gdoc-props__default">
    <dt class="flex flex-wrap align-center gdoc-props__meta" id="config-logging-serverlog">
      <span class="gdoc-props__title">serverlog</span>
        <span class="gdoc-props__tag tip">optional</span>
        <span class="gdoc-props__tag note">int</span>
      <a data-clipboard-text="#config-logging-serverlog" class="gdoc-page__anchor clip flex align-center" title="Anchor to: serverlog" aria-label="Anchor to: serverlog" href="#config-logging-serverlog">
        <svg class="gdoc-icon gdoc_link"><use xlink:href="#gdoc_link"></use></svg>
      <div class="gdoc-props__description">
          Server updates are forwarded to this channel ID. This includes updates to the server, channels, and roles.
      <div class="gdoc-props__default">
    <dt class="flex flex-wrap align-center gdoc-props__meta" id="config-logging-userlog">
      <span class="gdoc-props__title">userlog</span>
        <span class="gdoc-props__tag tip">optional</span>
        <span class="gdoc-props__tag note">int</span>
      <a data-clipboard-text="#config-logging-userlog" class="gdoc-page__anchor clip flex align-center" title="Anchor to: userlog" aria-label="Anchor to: userlog" href="#config-logging-userlog">
        <svg class="gdoc-icon gdoc_link"><use xlink:href="#gdoc_link"></use></svg>
      <div class="gdoc-props__description">
          User updates are forwarded to this channel ID. This includes name updates, message edits and deletions, joins and leaves, and more.
      <div class="gdoc-props__default">


adminrole optional int
The server’s admin role.
Default: none
modrole optional int
The server’s moderator role. Commands requiring this will also work with adminrole.
Default: none
exstaffrole optional int
If you have a role used for “Ex-Staff”, put it here. Thiis will enable moderators to step down at any point.
Default: none
botrole optional int
The server’s “bots” role. Configuring this allows bots to speak in lockdowns and toss channels.
Default: none
raidrole optional int
Configuring this role will enable Raidmode to be set to medium, and will be automatically applied to new users if so.
Default: none
staffchannel optional int
This channel is where important notices (user tossed, raidmode updates) will go.
Default: none
watchchannel optional int
Sangou will create threads in this channel for watched users.
Default: none
rulesurl optional string
Configure the URL to your server rules. This will be sent along with warnings. You can also use a channel mention with <#CHANNELID>.
Default: none
appealurl optional string
Configure the URL to your method of appeal. This will be sent along with bans. You can also use a channel mention with <#CHANNELID>.
Default: none
noreplythreshold optional int
If configured, Sangou will ping the modrole after this threshold of reply pings, if it is configured as well.
Default: none


tossrole optional int
The role that will be applied to users when they are tossed. This role should prevent users from speaking anywhere else, but you can configure it to your liking.
Default: none
tosscategory optional int
The category in which new toss sessions will be made in.
Default: none
tosschannels optional list
A list of channel names that Sangou will use when making new toss sessions. Maximum of 25.
Default: none
drivefolder optional string
Configuring this will enable Google Drive archival. Please ask in the support server before configuring this setting.
Default: none


surveychannel optional int
Sangou will forward moderation actions to this channel, as an archive of reasons.
Default: none
startingcase optional int
The case ID to start from. If you don’t have a previous system, use 0, or 1 if you do not need a test case.
Default: none
loggingtypes optional list
Sangou will recognize “ban”, “unban”, “kick”, “softban”, “timeout”, “promotion”, and “demotion”. The latter two require loggingroles to be configured.
Default: none
loggingroles optional list
This is a list of role IDs to be tracked when using “promotion” or “demotion” in loggingtypes.
Default: none


cotdrole optional int
The role ID to be used for a Color of The Day. Preferably one that users can assign to themselves.
Default: none
cotdname optional string
The name of the role used in Color of The Day. For example, “The Rainbow - Pale Blue”, where “The Rainbow” is the role name.
Default: none


embedenable optional bool
This will control the bot’s message link functionality, including Discord message quoting, and Twitter/X and TikTok conversion.
Default: false
translateenable optional bool
This will control the bot’s reaction translation functionality.
Default: false
burstreactsenable optional bool
If enabled, the bot will automatically delete Super Reactions where it can.
Default: false
autoreadableenable optional bool
If enabled, the bot will automatically format user nicknames to be readable with a US/EU keyboard.
Default: false
paidforprofileeffectsenable optional bool
If enabled, the bot will have a random 1/100 chance to laugh at any user with an avatar decoration.
Default: false

Stock configuration

Below is the stock configuration, showing every available config setting, and its purpose. Do not edit the version variable.

# These comments are here to get you started,
# and will go away upon setting the configuration
# for the first time. You can see these comments
# again by using the "configs stock" command.

# For any setting asking for an ID, you can put
# the name of it as well, and the bot will convert
# it to an ID automatically when you go to upload it.
# Note that it will use the first one it finds, and it is
# case-sensitive.
# For example:
# modrole: "Server Staff"

  # The bot will forward moderation actions to this channel ID.
  # The bot will forward server updates to this channel ID.
  # The bot will forward user updates to this channel ID.

  # The role ID for your admin role.
  # The role ID for your moderator role.
  # The role ID for the Ex-Staff role, if you use one.
  # The role ID for bots. This will allow bots to speak during lockdowns, and in toss channels.
  # The role ID for new users, if Raidmode is set to Medium.
  # The role ID for the Staff channel.
  # The channel ID which the bot will forward watched users to.
  # A link to your rules. You can use channels with "<#CHANNELID>",
  # but the bot will not convert a name for you.
  # A link to appeal bans or actions. This will be forwarded to
  # the user upon being banned by the bot.
  # If you would like Staff to be notified when a user continuously reply pings someone,
  # set this to the number of times after which the bot will notify Staff. Maximum of 10.

  # The role ID to add to users when performing a toss.
  # The category ID for toss sessions to be created in.
  # The channel names that the bot will use when creating sessions.
  # You may only have up to 25.
  # Optional, only if you wish for archival. Please ask the bot owner before configuring this.

  # The channel ID that the bot will post moderation actions to.
  # The case ID to start from, in the event that you are transitioning from a
  # previous system. If you aren't, simply leave it at 0, or 1 if you do not need a test case.
  # Pick from "ban", "unban", "kick", "softban", "timeout", "promotion", "demotion".
  # If using "promotion" or "demotion" in Logging Types, place the role IDs you wish to monitor here.

  # The role ID to use for a Color of The Day system.
  # The name of the role. For example, "The Rainbow - Pale Blue", where "The Rainbow" is the role name.

  # If the bot may pull message links and format them nicely.
  embedenable: false
  # If the bot may translate messages using reacted flags.
  translateenable: false
  # If the bot may autodelete super reactions.
  burstreactsenable: false
  # If the bot may automatically adjust names to be readable.
  autoreadableenable: false
  # If the bot may randomly laugh at users who have profile effects.
  # Some people get mad at this feature's existence for some reason.
  paidforprofileeffectsenable: false

  version: 3