0ccultist's Netscape
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If you’d like, you can “puppeteer” the bot to make it appear sentient. It is rather fun to do.

  • react [channel] [message id] [emoji]
    Puts a reaction on a message.

  • reply [channel] [message id] [text]
    Replies to a message in a given channel with a given text.
    If done by a bot manager, can run any command as the bot.

  • say [text]
    Repeats some text.
    If done by a bot manager, can run any command as the bot.

  • speak [channel] [text]
    Repeats some text in a given channel.
    If done by a bot manager, can run any command as the bot.

  • typing [duration]
    Puts a “Bot is typing…” in chat for a period of time.