0ccultist's Netscape
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Basic Functionality

Like any Discord bot, Sangou has tools at your disposal to moderate users.

For your reference:

  • [argument] represents a required argument.
  • {argument} is an optional requirement.
  • argument (default) is the default if not specified.

Sangou uses the pls invoker by default.

For example: pls command [required (default)] {optional (default)}


  • ban [target] {reason}
    Bans a user and messages them with the reason.

  • dban [target] [duration] {reason}
    Bans a user with a specified amount of days worth of messages deleted, messages them with the reason.

  • massban [targets]
    Bans several users with their IDs without messaging them.

  • sban [target] {reason}
    Bans a user without messaging them. You can also use the traditional ban method to achieve the same effect.

  • unban [target] {reason}
    Unbans a user.


  • kick [target] {reason}
    Kicks a user.


  • lock {channel (current)} {soft (false)}
    Prevents people from speaking. Will have a “hard” tone by default.
    Use true/false with the “soft” argument to adjust this behavior.

  • unlock {channel (current)}
    Unlocks the current channel for speaking.


  • purge {limit (50)} {channel (current)}
    Clears a given number of messages.

  • purge bots {limit (50)} {channel (current)}
    Clears a given number of bot messages.

  • purge from [user] {limit (50)} {channel (current)}
    Clears a given number of messages from a user.

  • purge with [string] {limit (50)} {channel (current)}
    Clears a given number of messages with a certain string.

  • purge emotes {limit (50)} {channel (current)}
    Clears a given number of messages with emotes.

  • purge embeds {limit (50)} {channel (current)}
    Clears a given number of messages with embeds, including stickers.

  • purge reacts {limit (50)} {channel (current)}
    Clears a given number of reactions from messages.
    This will not delete the messages themselves.


  • alert [target]
    Awaits a member’s next message for up to a day.

  • nickname [target] {nickname}
    Sets a users nickname. Send command by itself to reset.

  • reroll
    Forcibly rerolls the current Color of The Day.